The Day of Valor, also known as Araw ng Kagitingan, commemorates the heroism of Filipinos and American Soldiers when the Japanese occupied the Philippines during World War II. Major General Edward P. King, of the United States Army, was forced to surrender more than 76,000 Filipinos, Chinese and American soldiers to the Japanese at dawn on April 9, 1942. The soldiers were forced to march 65 miles from Mariveles, on the southern end of the Bataan Peninsula, to San Fernando. The men were divided into groups of approximately 100, and the march typically took each group around five days to complete. Those who can’t do another step, and those who fell behind, are killed and beaten. Thousands died due to starvation, dehydration, wounds, and other causes. After they marched, the soldiers thought that it was already done but they have to go inside of wagons (around 60-100 people would fit into a small wooden wagon) that are completely covered which makes it hard to breathe and would travel to another area. In those wagons, many died due to suffocation, and other causes.
Although a huge number of soldiers died during the march, a number of soldiers successfully escaped and survived. Under Republic Act 3022 the Day of Valour was officially a Filipino holiday. Passed by Congress in 1961. On this day,
we commemorate the heroism of the Filipino and American troops during World War II by doing small parades in different localities in the country and the president would give a speech at the Mt. Shamat shrine located in the Bataan province.If you are going to ask me, it is just right that we should look back at the sacrifices that our soldiers had to make and the hardships and plight that they
have to endure just so that we could have freedom. Take note that they are a part of the reason why we are now a free and independent country.
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